Our purpose
We believe that empowering education through technological advances moves the world. We believe in hands-on personalized learning, and we strive every day to create better and more confident clinicians through our range of CARL products.

Made in canada
All products are produced and assembled in Ontario, Canada to maintain the highest quality and consistency.

Designed for clinicians, by clinicians, for real-world clinical workflows and experiences.

A product-agnostic approach that supports the entire hearing health workflow and all devices, tools, or methodologies.
More than a Manikin
CARL is a growing platform with new products, ears, add-ons and curriculum monthly.
Our Team
Our team is united through a passion for innovation and building something new and incredible. Each member of our team is a trusted professional with a drive to create impactful change in hearing healthcare. We strive to be your trusted source of simulation technology while maintaining our small-team approachability and humility.

Karen Carter
Audiology Lead
CARL came as a result of an engineering student project at Western University. Ever since the first prototypes were made and tested in 2015, CARL has continued to iterate, improve, and expand within the world of hearing healthcare.

Early Builds
CARL began as an engineering research project at Western University to provide better experiential training in the audiology program.
After positive impressions of the first prototype, the project was taken on as a master's thesis to properly develop and validate the technology.
CARL finished his first validation study with positive results and encouragement for more refinement.
Continued Improvement
CARL completed his second validation study finding students who used the simulator performed better in clinical scenarios.
Soon after, AHead Simulations was founded and feedback from the second study was incorporated into a production CARL to send out to test sites.
CARL was officially launched to international markets in January 2019.
By the end of CARL's first year, CARL attended international conferences, and 50 CARL units found homes in 7 different countries around the world.
2020 & 2021
The worldwide health crisis caused CARL to adapt to allow safe hands-on training while social distancing.
The CARL Pro is released to market to faciltate hearing tests and hearing demos to take place.
With software updates to the CARL Pro, CARL now facilitates the entire end to end workflow in hearing healthcare. With the addition of masking and hearing loss demo, CARL is ready to support the current and future needs of hearing healthcare practitioners.

Join the CARL Community
By joining our CARL community, you will be a part of the next generation of forward-thinking clinicians ready to take on the world.
We love to share use cases, share pictures, users stories and more.
Learn what CARL can do for you.